Saturday, September 18, 2010


A fallacy is typically an argument that is bad or invalid because both its premises and conclusion cannot be improved to make the argument good or valid. The argument does not make sense and cannot be assumed to be true.
There are three types of fallacies according to Epstein; structural , content, violations of the Principle of Rational Discussion. 
A structural fallacy makes an argument bad because of its wording and format. This type of fallacy does not have to do with the actual subject or meaning of the argument. Affirming the consequent is one of the example Epstein gives that says if A, then, B. B. Therefore A. This translates to is A is true then B is true so therefore A is true.
A content fallacy has to do with the actual subject and meaning of the argument contrary to a structural fallacy. There are many different kinds that can be used. The first one Epstein gives us when the person confuses an objective claim with a subjective one or vice-versa. Another kind is mistaking the person or group for the argument. "(Almost) any argument that (blank) gives about (blank) is bad.
The third kind Epstein introduces is violating the Principle of Rational Discussion. This would happen if the argument begs the question, puts words into a person's mouth and misrepresents them, shifts the burden of proof, or the premises have nothing to do with the conclusion.

An example of a fallacy I recently witnessed was a popular media article on Gwen Stefani. The article claimed that Gwen Stefani was pregnant because she was always wearing baggy clothes and an acquaintance of the singer had told the magazine that she was four months along. This argument is a content fallacy because this could be a bad appeal to common belief. The media is used to showing singers and actresses always wearing tight fitting clothes and flaunting their curve-less figures and if they are wearing baggy clothes they must be hiding something. So as soon as an actress or female singer has some kind of bump in their mid-area they must be pregnant whether or not the "bump" might be caused by baggy clothes or unflattering pose. So if Gwen Stefani has been wearing baggy clothes for several days in a row she must be hiding something underneath them.
This is a fallacy because one cannot assume that a woman is pregnant solely based on the reason that she wears baggy clothes. Maybe she wanted a style change, maybe she gained some weight, or maybe she is showing off her new designs from her clothing collection that include a collection of breezy spring dresses and blouses.


  1. I really like your post because it is really easy to follow and understand. I think that we see fallacies everyday in our life. We can see them on normal conversations and media. The media is the most deceiving thing. I think it is weird because people always make fallacies without knowing about them and understand what they are. I did not know about fallacies before. However, since I know the fallacies and their structures, I noticed that they appear everyday in our lives. I also think that fallacies could cause miscommunication which can lead to bad consequences. After reading this chapter, I think I will pay more attention to what I write and talk from now on.

  2. I like your post. I like how you really explained what fallacies are. You made it really is to understand. If somebody didn't understand after reading your post they would. People use fallacies everyday in life. I think its something that nobody really thinks about it just happens. I like the example you gave of a fallacy. That was really good because you are right u can not just assume that somebody is pregnant because they are wearing baggy clothes. They just might like to wear baggy clothes. It is bad to just assume things by the way people dress or talk or anything like that.
