Friday, November 19, 2010

Mission: Critical

What I found useful from this website is that it is a review of almost everything we have covered so far in the class from the Epstein book. The website is well thought out because it is broken down into main points and smaller bullet points that act as support for the main points. The definition and examples of each different kind of argument and method used in critical thinking are clearly organized and make it helpful when trying to memorize a certain term from the textbook we are using.
I think that this website is better organized than the Epstein textbook because the outline of the chapter and terms is much more clearly laid out than the chapters in "Critical Thinking" by Epstein. The book can be a bit confusing because the difference between each new term or idea is not clearly labeled, so it is difficult to know when the author has switched to a new topic. Also sometimes it's difficult to differentiate the main points from the sub-points .


  1. Hi MVE! I completely agree with you that the mission critical website had variois topics that were discussed that we already learned about from the Epstein textbook. It helped to reinforce what we already leanrned. I thought the mission critical website was much more useful than the cause and effect website. I thought this because the cause and effect website was hard to read. I agree that the Epstein textbook can be a bit confusing though. The reason why it is confusing because sometimes it does not give proper definitions of terms. It just simply gives examples. Good job on your post!

  2. I definitely agree and made the same argument as to why it was much easier to understand and relate to the site than to the text book. It provides these awesome quizzes at the end of each lesson, which I thought was very helpful. The thing about websites is that it can be interactive and if you get the question wrong then it lets you know and it gives you the reasons why. Good job!
