Friday, October 22, 2010

News and Politics

I found that our first assignment about news and politics was helpful in breaking down editorials. It helped me differentiate the writer's argument from their opposing view. It also helped me in understanding what the editorial's main claim was and how they used details and facts to support their view. I also noticed that in order to make a good argument and to win over the audience, a good writer states facts from both sides of the argument. They do not force their view onto the reader rather they state the facts the way they are and make the readers think for themselves based on those supporting details. Finally I learned that not all articles or editorials from major news websites are right. It's important to analyze what we read thoroughly to understand what the writer is trying to convey. It is the reader's choice whether they think the article is correct and is worth standing for. This is why the project was useful. It helped me apply Epstein's teaching to every day life and current events.

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